SHATTERPROOF is a seven-step system that, like a GPS, guides you toward a new way of handling life’s setbacks and crises. Learn how to manage stress, fear, anger, uncertainty, worry, resentment and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness rather than let them shape your story.

“Provides a solid road map for dealing with life’s curve balls in a constructive was.”

“ An author presents a straightforward system for coping with stress and crisis.”



The Shatterproof Workbook is designed to accompany the Shatterproof Book while reading it. At the end of various chapters, there are questions for the reader to fill in. These are designed to get the reader started in implementing the 7 Principles in their everyday life.

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"I tell everyone don't hold to old issues. Let it go! But I was the one holding on to resentment and negative feelings myself.  It was weighing me down. I felt everyday like a cinder block was on my chest. I would say to myself, Me? When I tell everyone to let it go. Then I read your book and you mentioned it many times and in many ways and It just clicked while reading to just let it go and it worked. Your book was a wake up call for me."

- Meghan

"I read Shatterproof in a few days and I must say it gave me a new perspective on my challenges that I am having right now. Reading Shatterproof changed my way of looking at our challenges/crisis.  In fact I should say I am less depressed and more hopeful then before.  Will HIGHLY recommend it to anyone."

- Shekofeh (Struggling with her husband’s deterioration of a stroke induced dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

"This book is for anyone who has hit the wall, is hitting the wall or knows that the wall is near, would like a way of change the outcome of the movie and  or has a passion to have more understanding of themselves."

- Melvin


“(A) fantastic read – driven forward by personal and touching stories that underline the main

- Bruce

“The experiences within this book will speak to everyone. If not impacted by specific
experiences written about here, the anecdotes can help us in so many aspects of our daily life
from school to work to relationships.”

- Susan

“It gave me some new perspectives and coping tools to deal with crisis & stress (to) get out of
that zone by changing my thinking.”

- Liz

“Sometimes life/universe has a way of repeating itself over and over again till a person (like me) gets the message and acts. This book would help them provide action to the message.”

- Mel

“This book is easy to read and easy to understand but it will gave you powerful and proven steps for you to follow in any difficult situation that you may face in your lifetime. It’s about how to get through a major crisis without being devastated and how to get out of it faster, or at the least how to navigate through it, in a calmer and more control way.”

- Armel

“Absolutely no one lives a life that does not have stress or worry or a crisis of some sort...we all need help overcoming certain things we experience on a day to day basis and this book truly shows us HOW.”

- Susan



Discover five common traps that gets us stuck while experiencing stress and crisis. By being aware of these, you’ll be able to catch yourself before you get stuck, or you’ll know what to do to get unstuck.


You acknowledge that you are in a crisis or a difficult or stressful situation that warrants your attention. But you also need to know what to become “aware” of? Discover the importance of this first Principle and why it sets the foundation for all others.


Find out why this principle is the first step in moving forward out of the trap, or slump or black hole you’ve found yourself in as a result of stress or crisis.


Learn how to move from fear to courage. Helps you face the reality of your situation and shifts your mindset to an area that serves you – into “problem-solving” mode.


A simple yet powerful exercise teaching you where to direct your attention when experiencing stress and negative emotions.


This principle guides your attention and focus towards results, desired goals and vision. It’s all about choice and control which ultimately creates your future.


It may seems difficult and darn near impossible to feel in a state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled when experiencing stress or receiving news that turns your world upside-down. This powerful principle teaches you how to shift your thinking to an area that serves you, despite the chaos that surrounds you.


You need at least one of these two to survive: faith in a higher power or faith in yourself.  Discover the power that you possess and learn to let go of any resentment that may exist in your life


Learn the importance of managing the mind, the challenges that exist, and suggestions how best to accomplish this feat, resulting in a focus and discipline mindset. Utilizing this practice along with implementing the seven coping principles results in giving you resiliency – Shatterproof.


“An author presents a straightforward system for coping with stress and crisis.  While readers might not be able to prevent life’s many upheavals, both big and small, they can control how they handle them, according to Drapeau (co-author of How Did You Do That!, 2009). After facing down several disasters, including his wife’s terminal illness, he developed a simple and accessible seven-step “Shatterproof System,” which he promises will help readers “navigate, manage and rise above any crisis.” Most people respond to events such as a job loss or illness with feelings of anxiety, vulnerability, and failure, the author explains in this compact, pointed volume. These reactions are normal, but they can become traps that negatively affect their lives and health. By embracing the clearly outlined Shatterproof principles and completing the useful exercises at the end of each chapter, individuals should be able to effectively surmount crises and push forward. The process begins with acknowledging the situation, followed by accepting and embracing the opportunities it presents, even though such a move “requires a paradigm shift away from feelings of victimization and helplessness.” Additional steps include examining worst-case scenarios, freeing oneself from worry, and creating a robust plan to regain equilibrium. Readers are also encouraged to complete a “gratitude inventory” and embrace faith in a higher power in order to foster confidence.  Anecdotes from the author’s own life as well as examples from his friends and family successfully illustrate the principles in action. Several of these stories, particularly Drapeau’s reflections on his wife’s battle with cancer, are truly moving and inspiring. The tone throughout is positive and uplifting without straying into the realm of banal self-help clichés. Anyone who gets bogged down in decision-making or is overwhelmed by unexpected events stands to benefit from the author’s levelheaded advice and his persuasive suggestion that retreating from the chaos and developing mental focus are what is needed to take command and make wise choices.  Provides a solid road map for dealing with life’s curveballs in a constructive way. “

Kirkus Indie, Kirkus Media LLC, 6411 Burleson Rd., Austin, TX 78744 indie@kirkusreviews.com