Author, Speaker, Workshop Leader, Coach, Business Strategist
Conrad Drapeau is a bestselling author and the creator of Shatterproof a simple, yet life-altering and sustainable program designed to help people manage stress, survive a crisis and build resiliency. The 7 Principles of Shatterproof will serve you best when working in cooperation with a well-trained, focused and disciplined mind. That’s where the Shatterproof Practices comes in as they were designed to help build resiliency to stress. These series of exercises and techniques cultivates a focused and disciplined mindset, which in turn, strengthens the body. Conrad’s background that led to the creation of the Shatterproof Practices came from twenty-five years of practice and working under the guidance of a master teacher – Ilse Gordon (1941 – 2016).
Ilse Gordon (1941 – 2016)
Tai Chi and Chi Kung master, yoga instructor and meditation guru, Ilse became a revered and much-loved teacher whose learning spanned four continents and five decades. Her dedication and generosity as a teacher inspired countless people to transform their lives, overcome adversity and become their best selves.
Conrad witnessed and interviewed people who did the work that Ilse taught, where peoples’ lives were healed and extended from people battling terminal cancers and others battling various diseases and illnesses. Conrad found it astonishing to see the results of the work that people accomplished throughout their challenges and an absolute privilege to have known her and work under her guidance. A few years before Ilse’s passing, Ilse worked with Conrad in helping craft the various exercises offered under the Shatterproof Practices and the plan was for her to be involved in an advisory capacity. Unfortunately, her life ended much too soon. The Shatterproof Practices are some of the same exercises that Conrad followed and worked with during two decades of practice under Ilse’s teachings.
Christine Lacey
One of Ilse’s early students was Christine Lacey. When joining Ilse, Christine had serious health issues (click to read Christine’s story.) She was able to overcome those issues by following Ilse’ teaching and putting into practice what she was taught. Her evolution and knowledge expanded where Christine became a teacher of Ilse work including Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Healing Tao. Christine’ advisory role will focus on continuously improving and expanding the Shatterproof Practices.